The information on this site is intended for informational purposes only. No guarantee is made that any information contained on the site is correct, complete or current with applicable law. We do not intend this as a source of advertising, solicitation or legal advice. Making use of this site does not establish an attorney-client relationship. The reader is strongly advised to seek the advice of a competent local attorney regarding the application of any statement or opinion on this site to any state of facts. Liability is expressly disclaimed for any action the reader may take or fail to take by reading this site.
No attorney-client relationship shall be established or implied by this site nor such relationship shall be implied by e-mail communication to us. Only e-mail or other written communication from O'Sullivan & Zacchea, PLLC, which expressly confirms that we have been retained as attorney shall establish the relationship of attorney-client. Confidential information should not be sent to O'Sullivan & Zacchea, PLLC, without first communicating directly about establishing an attorney-client relationship. Please remember Internet e-mail is not secure and messages sent to the firm or any of its employees should not contain sensitive or confidential information.
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This site may contain links to other resources on the Internet. However, these links are supplied only as a convenience to the reader. O'Sullivan & Zacchea, PLLC, is not associated with any particular linked entity unless so started herein. O'Sullivan & Zacchea, PLLC does not endorse or confirm the accuracy or completeness of any opinion or statement made on such linked site. We will remove any link from this site upon request from the linked entity. We grant permission to anyone wishing to link this site to another site.
To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that, unless specifically indicated otherwise, any tax advice contained in this website, including but not limited to any external links, is not intended or written to be used and cannot be used for the purposes of (i) avoiding tax-related penalities under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any tax-related matter addressed herein. In order for you to rely on written advice from O'Sullivan & Zacchea, PLLC as protection from tax related penalties, please contact us to discuss whether we can provide you with a formal written opinion.
You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and consideration at all times by your lawyer and the other lawyers and non-lawyers in your lawyer's office.
You are entitled to have an attorney handle your legal matter competently eand diligently, in accordance with the highest standards of the profession. If you are not satisfied with how your matter is being handled, you have the right to discharge your attorney and terminate the attorney-client relationship at any time. (Court approval may be required in some matters, and your attorney may have a claim against you for the value of services rendered to you up to the point of discharge.)
You are entitled to your lawyer's independent professional judgment and undivided loyalty uncompromised by conflicts of interest.
You are entitled to be charged reasonable fees and expenses and to have your lawyer explain before or within a reasonable time after commencement of the representation how the fees and expenses will be computed and the manner and frequency of billing. You are entitled to request and receive a written itemized bill from your attorney at reasonable intervals. You may refuse to enter into any arrangement for fees and expenses that you find unsatisfactory. In the event of a fee dispute, you may have a right to seek arbitration; your attorney will provide you with the necessary information regarding arbitration in the event of a fee dispute, or upon your request.
You are entitled to have your questions and concerns addressed promptly and to receive a prompt reply to your letters, telephone calls, emails, faxes and other communications.
You are entitled to be kept informed to the status of your matter and are entitled to have your attorney promptly comply with your reasonable requests for information, including your requests for copies of papers relevant to the matter. You are entitled to sufficient information to allow you to participate meaningfully in the development of your matter and make informed decisions regarding the representation.
You are entitled to have your legitimate objectives respected by your attorney. In particular, the decision of whether to settle your matter is yours and not your lawyer's. (Court approval of a settlement is required in some matters.)
You have the right to privacy in your communication with your lawyer and to have your confidential information preserved by your lawyer to the extent required by law.
You are entitled to have your attorney conduct himself or herself ethically in accordance with the New York Rules of Professional Conduct.
You may not be refused representation on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability.
This website may be considered Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.